For as long as I’ve been making illustrations and designs I have had two particular products that I wanted to make but they both eluded me for a long time. This because I seem to excel at finding reasons not to make them as I always try to make something that is better than what is already available. My intention is never to make anything that would not be wanted and used but to accomplish this I need to make items that are ethical, beautiful, purposeful, practical, and of good value. Another project like this is my wrapping paper, which is mentioned below but the items I’m talking about today involve my recent ’nosedive’ into hankies or “Swanky Hankies” as named today by Amanda White from Gift Frippery.
I looked into the digital printing method but I couldn’t imagine blowing my schnozzola on something that had any amount of existing stiffness to it. Screen printing them myself has been the answer. These hankies are works in progress but they are a delight to print, cure, and package.
I’ve never been a fan of tissues, in fact, I despise them. They are the very definition of waste. However, ladies handkerchiefs/handkerchieves/nose rags and other far less nice terms* often seem twee and fussy. Men’s handkerchiefs on the other hand are often available in bold designs and vivid colours. I wanted to make something that was small but eye-catching and could be used as a tissue over and over and over again.
These are a similar size to a disposable tissue but instead of a single use and into the bin they go, these handkerchiefs are far more environmentally responsible.
*’Muckender’ — late Middle English term for a handkerchief / handkerchiefs. Very unpleasant but descriptive!
Images LEFT to RIGHT: 30cm green check seaweed hand printed hankie. Smaller 23cm orange and pink hankie. Set of 4 23cm hankies (£16 inc delivery) Top right — lovely photo by Amanda White of Gift Fripery.